The PCM Blog

Teaching Children the Value of Entrepreneurship, Part 1

Skeptics might say we’re pushing kids into adulthood way too early, but it’s hard to argue with the life skills they can acquire through early entrepreneurship…

Eight Keys to a Happy, Prosperous Retirement

This is the time of year when I like to do a little reflecting about what went well in 2015, what didn’t go so well and what I’m thankful for. […]

Will Skyrocketing Healthcare Costs Derail My Retirement?

Sure, the cost of staying healthy is rising much faster than inflation. But, staying calm and working the numbers realistically can go a long way to keeping you on your […]

Marriage: A Financial Partnership

Marriage is more than a romantic relationship – it is a financial partnership between the couple. For better or worse, married couples must work together on their financial goals…

Financial Rx For Your Children

The value of a dollar may be the most important lesson we can teach our children. According to the Journal of Consumer Affairs, nearly 3 out of 4 Americans between […]

Don’t Let Your Finances Affect Your Love

Any new relationship has finance issues that need to be dealt with. Many couples make some of these common mistakes that can be easily avoided. As the founder and president […]

Preparing Your Children, and Your Wallet for College… Sure-Fire Strategies To Lessen the Financial Pain

You just can’t rush into some things or leave them to chance. Preparing your son or daughter for college is one of them. The cost of a college education is […]

Retirement by Design: Negotiating Your Second Act

Regardless of chronological age, boomers are an intrinsically youthful generation–and we all like to–talk about our generation any chance we get. Since an increasing percentage of the American population is […]

How to Have the (Second) Career of Your Dreams

“Question: How will we fund the independence we dreamed of in our retirement? Given the volatile economic climate, the road to retirement has never been bumpier. Many Americans are underwater […]

Life After College

“What do young adults need after graduating college? A steady, well-paying job would be nice — but as we all know, such entry-level positions have been few and far between […]